12 November 2018
19:00 - 20:30
is Mindfulness?
Our ability to purposefully direct the attention to the present moment without judgment - breaking the cycle of repeatedly and unconsciously being trapped in the future or the past
Equips us to deal with anxiety and stress in healthy way - ultimate self-care
2500 years old technique that has stood the test of time and which has become very relevant and applicable in our ultra-fast paced, information overload modern world (even Google has a dedicated teaching arm of mindfulness)
Known to create clear enhancements in our mental functions, decision-making process, creativity, interpersonal relationships both at work and at home - which is backed by more than two decades of published research
Practical and proven methods to recognize and break our unhealthy hard-wired habits
Do We Practice Mindfulness
Do you recognize yourself in any of the conditions?
Stress & Anxiety
from work, family, school, finances, illness, anger, grief, uncertainty about the future, feeling ‘out of control’, etc.
Psychological Challenges
depression, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, sense of unworthiness, sleep irregularities, over eating, alcohol dependancy, etc.
Medical Issues
digestive issues, chronic pain, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, asthma, skin disorders, migraine and many other issues
None of us are exempt from these conditions in life, including me! Yet if any of them become chronic, it starts to affect our ability to focus and be present for what matters in life.
Mindful Meditation is getting worldwide attention because it WORKS and the effect is proven by rigorous scientific methods. If practiced regularly, mindfulness meditation can positively enhance all areas of our lives - and can easily be integrated into our professional and personal existence. By practicing regularly, you will start to embody the benefits of meditation. Embodied wisdom - after all - has a far greater positive impact in your life and for those around you than the intellectual knowledge of a certain subject.
What the majority of people report when they practice mindfulness regularly:
An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations
Lasting decreases in unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms
Greater focus, energy, and enthusiasm for life
An increased ability to relax, less anxiety
Improved self-esteem
Ability to more readily find new options and solutions to problems allowing them to make better decisions in life
Reduction in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away
***This program is not offered as an alternative to traditional medical and psychological treatments
but as a complement to these approaches.**
4 weeks of Moving Toward Greater Balance,
Resilience, and Participation - in Your Life
Week 1 – Introduction to Mindfulness and how our
body can help us be more mindful in life
Week 2 – You Are Not Your Thoughts
Week 3 – Why Compassionate Matters
Week 4 – Building Conscious Relationships
Monday 12th November 2018
19:00 - 20:30
- Recorded guided meditations
- email/phone support throughout the course
The scholarship option is reserved for those who have no means of financial resource for the course but are passionate about learning the mindfulness skill.
Please note that it is not a request to receive a discount for the sake of bargaining.
If what is standing between participating in this course or not is your financial circumstance, please fill out the below form.
NB: This is a weekly course that will last 4 weeks. Your attendance and commitment are required for all 4 sessions for the benefit of your own practice.
Via delle Cave di Monteripaldi 36
Firenze (FI)
near Poggio Imperiale / Porta Romana area
About the Instructor
Hirono Sasaki Magistrali MA, is an independent and international soul, leaving Japan at the age of 21. She has lived in 6 different countries and 7 different cities for the last 23 years. Along the way, she established her own successful coaching business in Amsterdam and yoga studios in Shanghai and Italy. She is a psychotherapist, executive coach, experienced yoga and meditation teacher. Hirono has been teaching wholesome healing methods internationally since 2003.
She is currently involved in a 2 year professional training program with two of the most prominent meditation teachers in the US, Jack Kornfield, PhD, who has taught John Kabat Zin (founder of MBSR) and is a founding member of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California ( and Tara Brach, PhD who is founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington ( Jack Kornfield is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist Mindfulness practice to the West and regularly co-teaches mindfulness meditation and Buddhist psychology with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Her current base is in the Tuscan hills of Florence, Italy. She lives with her husband, two young sons, and a black cat named Bianca.